Zif W

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Blog Banter: the shakes.

From Druur Monakh (Twitter: @DruurMonakh) we get the topic of this banter: what was your most nail-biting experience in EVE Online so far? It could be PvP in a 1v1 or 1000v1000, your first fight or your latest one, a scam so close to being uncovered too soon, a trap almost sprung on an unsuspecting victim or the roles reversed and you desperately try to escape.

This question immediately made me think about what got me into PvP and by proxy back into eve. A long time ago I was a carebear. Running the same level four missions over and over AND OVER AND OVER again. Which granted is where I got the initial money to start my PvP venture. Two good real life friends of mine tricked me into getting into PvP. Exodus and Anderson Williams convinced me to join their corp in low sec and rat in null, and I was all for something new. My first day my drake got popped in a belt by a pilgrim. I've never panicked so hard in a video game. My nerves froze adrenaline rushed and I did nothing as he grabbed scram. Money wasn't the issue, I had just sold my Golem and my drake was hardly pimp, I don't think I even knew what deadspace mods even were at this point.
 It was the speed. Every PvE aspect of this game for me was at a spoonfed pace, but this guy. This guy roared on grid and grabbed a point and I had no idea what type do besides shake. I don't think I even locked him until after I was capped out lol.
I can't find the mail right now,but whoever you are thank you for murdering me. It made me strive to learn PvP. Come and get some.

Edit: I don't know why this one is highlighted in white. o.O halp!


  1. Where did you cut and paste it from?

    Blogger will now pull the background info for word or gmail or google docs and apply them. Simplest is to paste into notepad and then paste to the blog to clean out the excess material.

  2. Thanks! I shamefully copy pasted this from mr. Rix javix's blog. That'll teach me to be lazy. The more you know.
